Saturday, December 20, 2008

Importing Sales Hierarchies into MDM

This is a documented process for standardizing Excel sales hierarchy sheets, importing via MDM Import Manager, and cross-checking with MDM Data Manager. This assumes a basic working knowledge of Microsoft Excel and MDM Import Manager.

Standardizing Excel Documents

  1. Receive document, place in central location.

  2. Rename document as PartnerName_sales_hierarchy.xls. [See Naming Conventions]

  3. Open in Excel.

  4. Rename primary sheet with same name as document: PartnerName_sales_hierarchy.

  5. Move and rename columns: Hierarchy, Model Number, Partner.

  6. Check for:

    1. Missing information or empty boxes.

    2. Missing hierarchy information (sometimes designated by a lack of the @ symbol).

    3. Unnecessary base model numbers.

    4. Yellow blocks, red or blue text (designates unfinished data).

    5. Duplicate rows.

    6. Model numbers belonging to two completely different categories (unless it’s an accessory).

  7. Replace all &#174 symbols with their corresponding symbol. (ie. &#174 is ®)

  8. Remove all formatting including hyperlinks and colors.

  9. Bold column headers.

  10. AutoFit rows (usually 12.75) and columns.

  11. Save and close.

MDM Import Manager: Sales Hierarchies

  1. Open MDM Import Manager.

  2. Information to connect to the MDM Repository:

    1. Repository: WPC_071607_PRACTICE []

    2. Language: English [US]

    3. User: Admin

    4. Password:

  3. After clicking on “Next,” you will need to use the following:

    1. Type: Excel

    2. Remote system: MDM

    3. File name: PartnerName_sales_hierarchy.xls

  4. After clicking on “Finish,” you will be presented with a large screen of information.

  5. In the upper left corner, select the source table: PartnerName_sales_hierarchy$.

  6. In the drop-down menu directly to the right, select Products.

  7. On the Source Hierarchy panel, expand PartnerName_sales_hierarchy$ by clicking on the small + sign.

  8. Right-click on Hierarchy, then Set Split Delimiter > Split Hierarchy…

  9. In this box type “@” and click “OK.”

  10. Again right-click on Hierarchy, then Split into Hierarchy.

  11. Directly below, click on the tab that says “Map Fields/Values.”

  12. Match the Source field called Hierarchy <Split Hierarchy> to the Destination field called Hierarchy Listing <Catalog Hierarchy Listing>. Then click “Map.”

  13. Below these panels, expand both the “Source values” and “Destination values.”

  14. Ctrl+A to select all Source values, then deselect Hierarchy by Ctrl+clicking.

  15. Under Destination values, find the corresponding partner name and click on it.

  16. Between the two panels, click “Add,” then “Add Branch as Child.”

  17. Return to the middle two panels to do some more field mapping. Map Model Number (source field) to Model Number [DF]. Also map Partner (source field) to Catalog Hierarchy Listing.

  18. For this last pairing, return to the bottom two panels for more value-specific mapping. Map the value name Partner Name (source value) to Partner Name (destination value).

  19. After all mapping is complete, click on the “Match Records” tab.

  20. Double-click on Model Number [DF] under “Mapped destination fields.”

  21. Move over to the right panel called “Default import actions.” On the first line, change “Skip” to “Create.” (On the first line, if it doesn’t say “0 of 0,” then our source Excel sheet may have base models, and we must acquire a new and up-to-date sheet.) On the second line, change “Skip” to “Update (All Mapped Fields).”

  22. Click on the “Import Status” tab and save your map as Partner Name Map.

  23. Execute your work by clicking on the exclamation point.

  24. Breathe a sigh of relief as you close the MDM Import Manager. On to the next one!

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