Thursday, November 13, 2008

MDM Certification Questions

User Interface -
Client and Web Front End• Are saved searches shared between users or roles?•
Can a saved search be shared between the client and the syndicator?
Do file-shared searches break security restrictions• There are too many search tabs in the Client's "Search parameters" pane.
How can I pick up only ones I want to display?
MDM Server, Console and Repository•
What are the relationships between Consoles Servers Repositories and Databases?•
Can two servers run on the same computer?•
Why in the Console’s security tabs do Constraints appear only against certain tables?
• Are Text Blocs and Text multilingual?•
What is NULL and how is it used in MDM?•
What does “Required” stand for?•
Can LDAP property "MDMERoles" be changed to something else?•
Can an attribute have additional parameters associated with it like status or userID timestamp?Import Manager•
Do validations work during the import process?•
Can I import my data in several steps?•
Does the Import Manger have to import all records of the source or can I skip importing of some of them?
• Can data be imported from two different sources concurrently?
• When I import a qualified lookup table it duplicates records.
What's the right way to avoid it?•
The Import Manager treats an XML file containing only one element and an XML file containing a collection of the same elements differently.
How can I use the same map for both cases?•
What is the difference between Update and Replace in the Import Manager?
• Is there a way to have a field displayed (in a lookup combo-box) but not participating in matching destination fields in the import process?
• Can I run two Import Managers at the same time?•
Where are import maps stored and can maps be edited externally?•
Can a source field partake in mapping twice?•
What is the most efficient format for source data when using Import Manager?
• Is it possible to handle exceptions during import automatically (continue with import if 1 record fails, stop processing for a specific error but continue for another, or notify specific user if record update fails)?
How are failed records reprocessed both in MDM and in the Business? •
An archiving process needs to be in place to remove and store old files that have already been processed. How can I handle files that are partially processed?
Syndicator• How do I handle a situation where the Syndicator produces one XML file with many elements or many XML files with one?•
Can repository data be syndicated as it is or is special output processing possible?

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