Friday, January 23, 2009

SAP MDM integration with R/3 system by Ravi Kumar

We all know what are the different It scenarios supported by MDM, namely:
Master Data Consolidation

– Cleansing and de-duplication
–Data normalization including categorization and taxonomy management
–New interactive consolidation capabilities

•Master Data Harmonization

–Automated synchronization of globally relevant master data information
–New interactive distribution capabilities

•Central Master Data Management

–One-stop data maintenance
–Ongoing master data quality

In this Blog I will try to cover the different steps required for integrating MDM with R/3 system which is the source of Master data.After cleansing and de-duplication of Data in MDM all changes/ updates will be reflecting back in SAP R/3. this step by step procedure should help in understanding the procedure for implementing MDM IT scenarios. :)

Different settings required for doing this are:

* Settings in R3
* Settings in XI
* Settings in MDM
* MDM console
* Import Manager
* Syndication Manager

MDM Process flow

Process Flow: Trigger Idoc containing Masters from R/3.XI converts these Idocs to XML files and places in ready folder for Inbound port. Files received by Import Manager into MDM and after changes etal via Syndicator Manager xml file placed in Ready folder of outbound Port from where it will be picked by XI and sent to R/3 using the Idocs.

Setting in R/3:

Step 1

T.Code: SALE

Define Logical System

Sender Logical System:

Receiver Logical System:

Step 2: T.code: SALE

Assign Client to Sender Logical System:

Step 3:

Create RFC destination of type ‘3' for SAP XI system using transaction - SM59

Step 4:

Create a Distribution model through T.Code: SALE/BD64

Here we need to mention Sender Client (DEVCLNT500) and Receiver Client (XICLNT100) and Message type (MATMAS)

Step 5:

Using T.Code: WE21

Maintain Ports for IDoc Processing

Step: 6

Maintain Partner Profile using the T.code: WE20

Step 7:

Using BD12/BD10 T.code to Send Customer IDoc or material IDoc

Using T.code WE02 we can confirm or see the message transformations.

Now we are able to generate IDoc from R/3 containing the master data.

Settings in MDM:

Select the repository for which you want to do the settings.

Go to "Admin" and select "Client Systems" and right click on it and create your client system

Then go to "Ports" for creating a Port for Client System

Here you are defining the Outbound Port for the Client system (MDC R/3) defined in previous step.

You have an option of processing the data Automatically/manually.

After Saving the "Port" and "Client System" you need to ensure the folders in respective repository has been created in server.

Because "Ready" is the folder where all the files get exchange from.

Similar steps should be repeated for Inbound Port.

MDM Import Manager: Assuming that all the settings are done in XI also we move to Import manager where we will select the file to be imported and steps to be followed for import of Data into MDM

Step 1: Login to Import Manager and connect to Source file. Select type as PORT. System automatically connects to the Inbound Port of the repository logged into.

Step 2: Do all Field mapping and value mapping in Map Field/Value tab.we can use the standard maps provided in Business content or do all mappings manually and save the map.

Step 3: Go to match records Tab select the Field used for Matching records and select the import action. PS : For each record we can manually override create/skip as import action.

Step 4: After all mappings has been done and import action is Ready to Import in Import status tab execute the import

This will import the records contained in the xml file from the Ready folder into MDM.GO to Data manager and check all records created from R3.

Syndicator Manager MDM:

Any changes made in MDM data manager based upon the validations/Assignemnts and Business rules the changed record should be syndicated back to R3 which is Data source.

Step 1: Login to Syndicator Manager giving the repository name. select File> Destination Properties and select Port as shown:

Select the remote system R3 in this case

Select the Port which we have created for Outbound port where the Syndicated file can be placed in XML format.

Step 2: Do all the mappings again. Use the standard maps provided in Business content or do it manually like in Import manager. We have the options of selecting few records based on search parameters. We also have the option of Supressing all unchanged records in map Properties. This will select only those records which has been changed in Data manager instead of all existing records.

Step 3: In Destination Preview we can actually see all records with the values for fields before syndicating. This should be always done before executing to reduce the erroneous /incomplete data flow. Once you have all the details execute the syndication.

Step 4: Check the IDoc list in SAP. In case of status 51 do the further analysis why it has failed.

RESULT: data changed in MDM Data manager will be updated in SAP R3 system provided all the mappings are correct.

Ravi Kumar is Consultant with Infosys.

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